The Soapery - About

If you think of olden times, where soaps were hand made, hand poured, natural ingredients were used because that's all that was available, yes, like lard and tallow.  That's what my Soap shop is channeling. 

I am ALL about the homesteading, self sufficiency vibes.  Its where I go to the local butcher if I can't get my own home-kill tallow and do the painstaking process of fat rendering and filtering.  This process alone can take two days, if 4 to 6 filters are required to take out the impurities in the oil.  

Or I source things off the farm to make my flavours and colours.  One of my favourites is the Avocado seed soap, and the Banana Flower soap.  These produce once dried (brown and orangey hues)  

The other main ingredients in all of my other soaps are olive oil, goats milk, and coconut oil.  Thats it.  Because I believe thats all thats needed.  Simple.  Basic.  Lush and lovely. :)

Handmade soap is a long lived tradition, and I just love the process and keeping these skills going.  






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